Game Jams and Competitions
HackUSU 2022
Project Name: AI-Adrenaline Instinct
This game placed 1st in the AI & Machine Learning category. It was made in 24 hours by a team of two.
The goal of this project was to leverage neural networks in a game to maximize player engagement and dynamically scale the game's difficulty.
We built a simple game and trained a neural network to throw obstacles in such a way that the player is moving often but is rarely hit.
Gamecraft Game Jam 2021
Project Name: Forever Falling
The purpose of this project was to expand our knowledge of the Unity engine.
This game was made in 48 hours by a team of 2.
This game jam project was one of my first explorations into the Unity game engine. As the timeline for this project was so short, I had to quickly learn various features of the engine and incorporate them into our game:
Unity Canvas, including displaying/updating text and timers based on in-game events
The basics of 3D physics in Unity
Constraining movement of 3D objects (locking the yaw of the main platform so that it would not rotate and obstruct the camera)
Handling in-game events with triggers and hit boxes
Handling player input